Hello! Sugar bunnies as they are? I hope you are doing well, had a time without posting a new entry, I've had enough things to do, including surgery to my boyfriend as I was concerned, so I was not concentrating very well to write to the blog but everything is better (things from the appendix already know). ヽ ( ; ▽ ; ) ノ ♡ ♡ ♡
I have been researching a lot about Gal styles, because since I decided to start with the style had not focused me in a style specific, I really like the Hime Kaji and Roman Gyaru make me very sweet and beautiful styles, plus the clothes it is beautiful. Although not a style you can carry (at least for now), I've tried but there's something I'm not convinced that's why I decided to try a new style and it calls my attention is the Ageho. and what are the characteristics of this style? ...
Es mas fácil describirlo con imágenes, este estilo es el mas sexy y glamouroso del gyaru, como pueden ver predominan los colores rosa, negro y dorado. lasos, moños, medias y muchas faldas. El cabello va casi siempre en colores castaño dorado a rubio (aunque esto no es indispensable) pestañas, maquillaje, y mucho brillo !! ヘ(◕。◕ヘ)
It is easier to describe with images, this style is the hottest and glamorous of gyaru, as you can see dominate the colors pink, black and gold. lasos, bows, socks and many skirts. The hair is almost always in golden brown color to blonde (although this is not essential) eyelashes, makeup, and lots of shine! ヘ (◕. ◕ ヘ)
Creo que llevar este estilo al 100% sera algo dificil, pero es por el eso que el gyaru se puede adaptar a ti, todo depende de como lo manejes, así como estuve pensando como se puede llevar día a día. Siendo honesta no me veo saliendo a la calle en vestidos cortos y con medias de red. (mas por el lugar donde vivo >___>) pero eso no significa que no pueda llevar el estilo.
I think this style carry 100% will be somewhat difficult, but it is by the gyaru can be tailored to you, everything depends on how you handle it and I was thinking how you can take every day. To be honest I do not see myself taking to the streets in short dresses and fishnet stockings. (more about the place where I live > ___>) but that does not mean you can not carry on.

Ejemplo, lo que pienso hacer es mezclar un poco el estilo con el Onee gyaru para hacer un balance entre ambos y poder llevarlo.
Example, what I do is mix a little with Onee gyaru style to make a balance between the two and to carry.

he recogido bastantes imágenes en Tumbrl como inspiración y tambien he estado leyendo sobre este estilo para estar bien informada, si están interesadas en saber mas sobre esto o cualquier otro estilo es un buen lugar donde comenzar.
I collected a lot of images on Tumblr inspiration and also I've been reading about this style to be well informed, if you are interested in knowing more about this or any other style is a good place to start.
Eso ha sido todo, espero pronto hacer un nuevo post con los avances sobre el estilo ! Muchas gracias por leer mi blog, un beso !!
That's all, I hope to soon make a new post with progress on the style! Thank you very much for reading my blog, a kiss!
Loving this post *u*
ResponderBorrarHope your bf will completely recover very soon~
And the mixture of the styles is interesting. Can't wait to see the result ^_~
Anna xo
Thank you very much ^ - ^ ! I am very happy because it is recovering very well, which borders for the good wishes. **
BorrarThanks for sharing this style. I didn't know much about Gyaru, but I love all that kawaii stuff and dolly eye makeup.
ResponderBorrarBtw, love your playlist!
Thank you very much * ---- * ! if the music playlist is very cute, I'm so glad you like it, I'm happy to help with style, but just start > w < !